After finding a parking lot near the plaza
we headed off to get a bunch of photos.  

The first photo the La Fonda Hotel was
an easy one for me to identify.  I had just
been to Santa Fe with my sister Jill and
her daughter Jennifer and her daughter
Sam in 2010, we shopped at the little gift
shop that is the area in the front of the
photo, and I recognized it right away.

This was an extremely difficult photo (as
were most of the photos in the Santa Fe
Plaza area) to get without a huge number
of obstructions such as traffic, signs and

Historical records suggest that La Fonda
on the Plaza sits on the oldest hotel
corner in America. When Santa Fe was
founded by the Spaniards in 1607,
records show an inn — or fonda — was
among the first businesses established at
this location

The current hotel was built in 1922

1925-1968 it was a Harvey House